Monday, September 30, 2013

The flesh is weak...

.... I have C-Diff. HA! It has been sent straight from the Devil I am positive. Butttt, I know I am here now for a reason and this is a trial I needed to have. My new favorite line from the ward is- "I would hate to see you well!" Hahahaha. I got some antibiotics on Monday to start the 14 day recovery process, and then on Wednesday had a HORRIBLE reaction to them. I honestly saw my life flash before my eyes. I know what that means now. My throat closed up, my tongue went numb, I couldn't talk, and my throat felt like it was being ITCHED raw! The most disconcerting of those symptoms was obviously the not being able to talk. I started BAWLING and poor Sister Helm still doesn't know her way around so I'm just pointing at every stop sign where I want her to go! We grabbed some Benadryl and I called a former bishop of the singles ward here (who reminds me soooo much of Dad) to give me a blessing. I tried to call Bishop first, but he lives 15 miles away on the South Fork, so I knew I needed someone close. He gave me a blessing that I would be healed according to my faith and that the Lord knew my circumstances, so that's no problem. I'll be good as new in 14 days!

I have hated being on "light duty" because this is the Lord's time. I could be sitting around at home. Just because I am sick doesn't mean people don't need the Gospel. So I told Sister Helm we could stay home unless we had a set appointment (which is almost all the time). So we go to all of our appointments and almost all of them cancel on us! I just had to laugh because the Lord truly is in charge of my life. Ward members have started calling and asking what I need and commanding me to go sleep. It's the weirdest thing. I am in so much pain all the time I have had literally EVERY side effect listed on these hard core antibiotics. Sister Helm has just excepted that I will be vomiting, aching, and falling over in public. My back started to hurt soooo bad and I was like- oh no not anything else! Then we read the side effects again and lo and behold- back pain. What a miracle modern medicine is riiiight? But the good news is I am giving the Mills Family a good name. All the hard core ranchers out here are like- I would hate to meet those parents who raised you. I bet they are a devil to contend with!
So although I was on "light duty" all week we had a lot of miracles as usual. One started when I decided to go to the dentist since I am already down and out and teeth cleanings make everyone feel better right? (Also, the dentist is one of my fave ward members Bro. Taylor and lets us come in for free when he has cancellations.) Last Saturday we had been at a wedding reception and recieved a referral of this woman named "Mary Kay." She lives 20 miles up the South Fork so we hadn't been able to go visit her yet, AND the Sister who gave us the referral was getting us her EXACT address. Well it turns out she works as a hygienist for Dr. Taylor and as I'm getting my teeth cleaned she pops in to tell my hygienist how much her headache is killing her and how she doesn't think she'll make it through the day. Sister Helm pops up (inspired of course) and goes- I have Excedrin at home and we live RIGHT DOWN THE STREET. Let us go get you some! She of course turns us down nicely, but after my appointment ends we run home and bring back Sister Helm's monster bottle. Mary Kay DIED. She was SO appreciative and apparently she called her friend and FREAKED out about how angels were sent to minister to her. It was just a simple thing, but the opportunity to serve was amazing AND she told us to stop by with a movie that Sister LaRose wanted us to take over there! (about the restoration of the church) so.... that is the story of how the missionaries in Cody 2nd ward became drug dealers...? I KID.
Also, I've sang at a wedding and NOW I've painted the outside of an inn? A woman called us and asked us if we could help her friend paint her inn so she could sell it. We of course jumped at the opportunity! Then we arrive to find out the inn is in the canyon (CRAZY WINDS) aaaand we are painting the outside. It was two story. We had a sketch 14 foot ladder. AND 4 crazy 18 year old elders. Just envision this. It was awesome to help this woman who was SO appreciative and had just had neck surgery so she couldn't do it herself. She started bawling thanking us and kept force feeding us "caffeine free soda" because she KNOWS we don't drink caffeine. What a sweetheart.
The work is moving forward. I love you guys and miss you a tonnnn.
I am stoked for General Conference and I hope you have a question in mind while you watch it. Please pray for me. I'm not above begging the Lord for relief from this pain AND for my VISA. There are some things you just want you know?
I love you forever,
your daughter,
Sister Haley Kristina Mills

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