Monday, September 9, 2013

The Sickness of 1000 zzzzs

So this week has been AMAZING. We got 3 new investigators! WHAT WHATTTT! Well, technically the Lord got them, but we facilitated, so that makes us feel pretty great! Sister Helm has this new joke (except it isn't really a joke?) that I can get into anyone's house. It's sooo awkward. People will answer the door and tell us we are the devil and that we sacrifice children and women (what are we?) and then I will subdue them with my charms and they inevitably let us in. Now I don't want you running off and telling everyone I'm amazing at missionary work because of this. False. Buuuuut it is one of many talents that I never knew I had! Slash never had reason to use back in the AZ? When I get home we'll have to think of reasons for me to go into random people's houses? Sketchhh.

Anyway, the reason I tell you about my secret talent is BECAUSE... I got us into this man's house yesterday night (don't worry his wife was home) and he started telling me all his problems with the "Mormon Church." I usually try not to "Bible Bash" but I honestly felt like I should answer all his questions. So I did. And at the very end he asked about the Word of Wisdom. He said that coffee has some medicinal qualities and all this other stuff. Wellll we have another investigator who is STRUGGLING with quitting coffee and I finally just told her it is an obedience thing. Maybe coffee has some medicinal qualities, maybe the world is wrong (like we have been so many times before) but I know that if you obey God's commandment and stop drinking coffee you will be blessed and your health will improve (she has like 1 million and 1 probs). So I tell this guy "Wayne" the same thing. That we follow it because we are asked to, and if Joseph Smith was a prophet of God (which he was) and he received this revelation through God (which he did) then all we have to do is obey. Sister Helm was literally holding her breath because she always worries when I am so blunt with people. HA! But then he goes... "You know what, I've asked that question of a million members of the church and they've all given me these different explanations... and I've never had it explained to me like that. I agree. I think that God doesn't ask too much of us, but like with Eve eating from that tree, I'm not sure if that fruit was even bad for her to eat, but the point was that God asked her not too." And then Sister Helm took a breath. Then he asked us to come back and told us he would read! HOLLAAAA! The Lord has been preparing the people of Cody for me to come. Isn't that crazy?

It's good that awesome things are happening here, because the majority of our week I spent in bed! I have been SO sick, and Sister Helm thought I was just tired because I was covering it up REALLY well, but I told her I needed a nap or I would die. So we go home one evening and I jump into bed an hour early, then I wake up at 10:30 the next day. AKA 13 hours. Then we get up and go meet with the Bishop. I come home again EXHAUSTED and sleep from 3 until the next morning at 6. AKA 16 hours. Then I rip myself out of bed for church and (former) Bishop Taggart (our dinner appt from the night before that we had to cancel on) gave me a blessing. It was amazing. He pretty much told me the Lord knew I was working my hardest, and that I should slow down a little and let my body rest and that I would be blessed. THEN that night, we got 2 new investigators. Woahhh. Blessings. The nice thing is Sister Helm updated our area book and got a ton of personal study in? Anyway, I'm feeling way better and to be honest, Sister Helm might be a more positive person than me even, so anything that happens to us is good! HA!

So one night one of our favorite families "The Taylors" couldn't feed us because her mom went into the ER. Well her husband forced money on us (we tried to run) and told us to go to the most expensive restaurant in town. We weren't going to go, because he gave us like our monthly allotment and we were freaking out, but he said he would follow up and see what we thought. Totally a returned missionary. Well, we had enough to pay for the elders too, so we convinced them to come with us, and us four waltzed into this restaurant. Within like 10 minutes we had received 2 referrals. Sister Taylor freaked out when she heard and called her mom and told her it was "okay" that she messed up their dinner with the missionaries, because it was all part of God's plan! HA! The things that happen here... I die. The moral here is... ehhh the Taylors just rock.

It's been monsooning here. As in they don't believe in monsoons. People are always laughing at me because I am freezing, well you should have seen the panic when the rain hit! HAHAHA. We were walking down the street in a rainstorm and everyone else was sitting in their car in the middle of road waiting for the rain to stop! Hilarious.

Last one, promise. We visited this woman in the hospital (which we do about once a week) and she kept forgetting who we were. She was like... and who are you again? Halfway through a story she was telling. Everytime I told her I was from Arizona she would tell me she spent every winter in Sun City West(?) until her husband died a year ago. Then 5 minutes later she would go... and where are you from again? It was hilarious. 50 first... missionary lessons? New movie ideaaa! Ha! But it got even funnier when we mentioned it to the workers there and they said she didn't have memory problems? Sooo pretty much I'm offended because we aren't memorable? We could not stop laughing. Probably the funniest visit of my life. And then when we got home and told the woman we live with "Norma" she waits 5 minutes into our conversation and goes... who are you again? I die.

I love you and miss you dearly!

Sister Haley Kristina Mills

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