Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sister Mills will TARGET you

Soooo... this week has been cray. But so is missionary work. There are so many ups and downs I feel like a bipolar college student? AKA my life until 10 weeks ago? Just kidding. This week like a good little girl, I made you a list, so you might actually find out how my week is this week? It's fine.

We'll start with District Meeting last Tuesday. Now, normally I won't bore you with District Meeting details, but this one was EPIC! It all started when Elder Hayes (District Leader Extraordinaire) didn't get an outline from the Assistants to the Presidents. He was freaking out about what we should do when Elder Ross (his companion. ginger. has no soul.) suggested a movie themed district meeting? So naturally, at 9PM the night before (we turn into Pumpkins at 9:30) Elder Hayes tells me he wants me to lead a discussion. Pick my favorite movie and compare it to something in Preach My Gospel. So we may or may not have had a fabulous discussion on how The Parent Trap is like turning to the Book of Mormon with investigators questions? I know, I know, how do those relate? In the Parent Trap the twins never had success until they remind them of their original story. And then that love that they feel helps them overcome whatever obstacles are in their relationship. It's the same with the Book of Mormon. Any obstacle can be overcome with a testimony that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. Because then Joseph Smith was a true Prophet, and this is the true church, and any and all revelation he received was from God. Still not sure, but everyone loved it? And we've decided to theme our meetings more often. 

On Wednesday we got to drive up to Billings (the BIG city!) and go to the temple on Thursday. We got to stay with the Sister Training Leaders in Billings and they live in a mansion? That was amazing, although we couldn't swim in their inside pool? For obvious reasons. But it was still one of my bigger regrets! HA! It was such a tragedy to me though that we had to drive all that way, when we have a temple so close at home in Mesa and don't go nearly enough. It just gave me such a huge testimony of temple work. Being there I realized-- through that one ordinance I was doing, one person was getting the opportunity to be with their family forever. Maybe that person would have received the gospel from someone like me, on the street in Cody, WY, but they never had the opportunity. It's missionary work from another angle, but just as important. I know that when we do family history work, and go to the temple, that we are giving people the same opportunity we have to live with our families forever, and that when we die we will be greeted and thanked by them, and how great will be our joy!  

Billings Temple with Sisters Lasson, Erbe, Taylor, Helm, Mills, Baird, Schneider, Christensen, & Steck

Friday was the day the Lord blessed us…with investigators and Less Actives GALORE. So get STOKED! We were out of miles for the month (we get a certain amount of miles we are allowed to drive the car each month and every missionary runs out like 2 weeks early because everything is way to spread out here to walk!) so we walked to a street that is sort of close by where we live. Sister Helm was determined to get someone to come to the first door we knocked at. We could hear someone, but people ignore us all the time, so no big. Sister Helm though was ADAMENT that someone would answer this door. After a door bell ring and three times knocking a guy answers from the second floor in a towel? (awk) and is like uhh heyyy, can I help y'all? We told him who we were and that we thought a member lived there. He said the member had moved but that he was also a less-active. As in he called himself that? Anyway we made an appointment to come back and visit him, and then the next two houses we knocked at agreed to let us come back. It was a day sent to make all the other days worth it. I know Heavenly Father has prepared people in Cody to hear the gospel, and I am so grateful to have the gift of the Holy Ghost to lead and guide us to those who are ready.  

Using "Miles" with Sisters Mills and Helm

Saturday night we got to go to the Cody High School football game (we won no big)! We live with the old coach who coached there for like... 5000 years, so he got all excited to show us off and we had a blast talking to people about the gospel who were forced to stay to watch their children? Aka I imagine it's something like spirit prison?  

Sunday is the most exciting though because we had two of the people we are working with to come to church! One of which we invited last week, but didn't even call this week? Brian and Patrick thought it would be fun to surprise us and it was like I was their Mom or something because I got SOOO overwhelmed seeing them there and knowing that they were doing what God would have them do! Brian got up and bore his testimony about how you "can't say no to Sister Mills" and how "Sister Mills will TARGET you." It was maybe one of the more awkward testimony meetings ever, but afterward everyone came up to us and told us how happy they were to have us in their ward and started giving us referrals?! Sooo I guess Brian was following the spirit and I was just so embarrassed that I was blind to the positive effects? HA! Also, we got our investigator Jerri (woman) to church! She has been making excuses as to why she couldn't come, but I told Sister Helm we were going to dress her and push her wheel chair all the way to church if we had to this Sunday. So we said a prayer that we would know what to do and then walked over to her house and she tells us her Parkinsons is too bad and she can't make it. But through a series of promises and maneuverings we got her to agree to go to Sacrament at the Hospital where she would be the healthiest 75 year old there? Well she went and BY GOLLY she loved it and although we had to move her baptism date back, it might actually happen, and I KNOW that the Lord softened her heart for us to be able to finally get her to church!  

Sooo I realize this is way long... sorry I'm not sorry? 

Love you muito! 

Sister Mills

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