-People ask me if I am Irish here. Like on the daily. Sometimes I just say yes... OOPS.
-The word for Red hair and the word for horrible sound a LITTLE too close for comfort. SUPES awk.
-I got my first Brazilian sickness. It took a week, I was as surprised as you probably are, I thought Id be down on day one! Because of this, I learned to say Diarrhea in Portuguese. Its my favorite word...All the other Americans were sick too, so dont worry Im not crazy.
the world thinks I have the best Portuguese ever for only being here 2
weeks and the other half just stares at me blankly when I try to ask
them to be baptized. Well, in their defense I forgot to make it a
question and accidentally demanded it? No worries though, they accepted.
Obviously. Oh and once people burst out laughing at the end. THAT was
when I knew I was awesome.
-We got a call from the mission office that we are moving...
tomorrow. And we have to take our fridge and everything with us...
uhhh... who has a car?
-We have the best recent
converts. And investigators actually. People here are so humble. We
share the Restoration of the Gospel and they are just like- of course we
still need Prophets, we had them in the Biblia, it just makes sense.
-Conference was amazing. I loved the apostolic testimonies that
were running wild. We are the children of a God. He is our father. He
loves us. Get over your problems. HAAAA.
I tried to guess the names of
all the talks when they come out in the ensign (joke) (shout out Sister
Helm) and for President Uchtdorfs I was like- even if you think your
life is awful, jokes on you, it could be worse. Or my other favorite-
you've only got 4 minutes to save the world.
-I also loved that Elder Eyring invited our investigators to be baptized.
-And that Elder Perry followed up. He is amazing.

-I dont know if I told you about this, but one time I prayed for
Charity and accidentally prayed for chastity. Not a joke.... we need it
though riiiiight?
-We clap at peoples houses and then shout
their name in a man voice. Sister Armstrong asked her companion if she
wanted to hear how Americanas would do it and then straight up screams
-I love to say still cute though and I finally found out how to say
it in Portuguese- pelo menos a bonita. At least she is beautiful? Nao
Eu amo voces muito.
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