Monday, April 28, 2014


Sorry about last weeks email. There was a little drama because it was a Brazillian holiday and everything was closed. Soooo we took a bus to another city (dont fret - in our ward still) to email and only had like... ZERO TIME. Worse than normal? I think I'm starting to over use that phrase. Minha vida. 

Jamie {Peterson-Arnett} is SO PREGGERS! I am dying. I love it! And the blanket {Haley picked the yarn/colors Erika crocheted} looks awesome mom! So grateful you are always adopting my friends! Dad- buck up, scorpions are nothingggg {stung a week ago on the finger - still swollen and sore}! Just kidding, I found a cockroach in my suitcase two days ago and screamed like a little girl - second one in a week. I still haven't received the package, but we have interviews next Tuesday, so if it has come Presidente will bring it I think! Its crazy here whenever someone gets a package or mail it has to travel through like 15 missionaries to get to us. And then you have to hold it, while standing, on a PACKED bus, usually for at least an hour or two. Then walk 3 miles uphill (in the snow? JOKE) to your house. So I wont forget to tell you when I get it. It will be a big deal! Hahaha.

So last week I went on divisions. I think I told you? BUT while I was there I happen to see the Harry Potter books! NOT KIDDING. And my companion and I had been talking the week before about what the house names would be in Portuguese. This is important. PROMISE. So turns out they are hilarious. And my faves is LUFA LUFA. AKA Hufflepuff. 

So we were making a list this last week of people who have already been to church twice and could be baptized immediately. And I was like... Low Hanging Fruit... LWF...How would you even say that? LUFE? LufAAA! LUFA LUFA! And so the milagre (miracle) list was born! Our Lufa-lufa has spawned milagres fo DAYS. 

My favorite is that we had 3 baptisms this weekend? Okay only one was technically ours. TAMIRES!!!! She is the best. We asked her to be baptized on like... quarta feira (Wednesday) and she was like- SIM! So we said Domingo? Before church? Of course! It is so great to find people of great faith who understand the need for baptism by proper authority! AHHH. I love that girl. She has this little boy Kevin who I might potentially steal... of course its against the rules so.... The other baptisms- one was the Zone Leaders, but under doctors orders they can't leave their house for a week. Can you say dengue? Doglas always comes to our ward anyway, so we did them a solid and the whole district took a picture with THEIR baptism. It was hilarious. (The elders were here to interview our baptism and the Sisters serve in the same ward as us!) Then the Sisters had a baptism after church of a woman who has been going to church for 7 years. Eliane. She is amazing. And also very pregnant. Don't worry, we filled up the font REAL FULL. 

We had a lesson in this bairro kind of far away, so we ask an Irmao to come with us. Then his whole family came? Like EXTENDED. So we had a lesson with 7 investigators (a family) and like 10 members? AKA we had a festa. It was probably the funniest thing that has happened in a month. Sometimes I sit back and think... wait... am I really here? Is this really happening? I know I'm where Heavenly Father needs me, but sometimes its surprising to find yourself somewhere you know? 

Anyway. I love you and miss you dearly! I promise I'll brush up on my English before Mothers Day (JOKE- my companion is American!) Hahaha. Sister Martins called the other day because I had a little cold and she wanted to tell me what medicines I could buy for being stuffed up. She goes... 
-Não, sou Sister Mills. 

Aka my portuguese is improving? I think?

Sister Mills

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