Monday, November 17, 2014

YOMO - you only mission once

First- I cant believe we have one more temple in Arizona! HOLY COW im loving the idea of "Utah South." The only problem is that no one here can say Utah, so they´ll have to wait to annex us until after I go home... kay?
Also, Im loving the sports update considering im such an avid fan (JOKE) but really, its good to hear AZ is repping! Everyone here always asks about futebol americano! Im like... its just like your football, but we score a ton more.
Everytime you write about Andrew Ali Aurora and Jade I secretly say "Triple AJ" so im hoping thats how you are saying it too, to avoid any confusion. Also, its good to hear that Jade is livening up, you know how much a love infants!!!
Also, I sent you a TON of pictures this week. We have been trying to take more, because we ALWAYS FORGET!

So I dont even know where to begin writing this week? We brought 11 people to church this Sunday!!! WOOO! (We have the most investigators on date in the mission. Desculp não desculp) The only problem is they are all teenagers that live on the street of the church. Sooo now we´ve got to "herd cats" as Dad likes to say about keeping teenagers on track.
Cesar passed his interview and then convinced the elder to move his date back a week? Im not even kidding. We are on killing our elders currently. They do so much great stuff buuut ive told them they are grounded. As you always predicted ive turned into the mission mother! They love it!
In hilarious news there was an old woman who didnt want to let us into her house this week? Like... the first person on my whole mission that thought we were scary and "potentially dangerous." She told us about these "young men in suits who say they are evangelizing and then ROB YOU!" It sounded just like elders... BUT then she let us in and she was MARVELOUS. Super funny and in the end she apoligized for thinking we were "strange robbers". Yeppp... you only mission once!
One of our "rapazes da rua" asked me how to say "I want to kiss you" in english. So I go... wait KISS? And he goes "Yeah, KISS YOU" So I say in english "kiss you." So he turns right back and yells out at me as we walk away "KISSSSS YOUUUUU" Hahahahahaha. Dont worry my companion has been guarding me. And ive been trying to fatten up, maybe they wont like me anymore? But really, I havent been trying, but everyone keeps telling me ive gotten fat? So im just trying to roll with it.

Oh and speaking of rapazes (aka young men), one named "Peterson" was hanging out in the street and we pass by like RUNNING for another appointment. I yell out- "Are you reading the book of mormon?" And he goes- " YEAH, Im on page 525." We stop dead. I go... "LIES" He goes - "No I started where you marked and read until there. (I do the math... we marked on page 499...) "Okay what did you read about???" "The water and wine that Christ gave everyone." ............ Yeah... that just happened.
Other than that I finally finished the Book or Mormon in English again so now im focusing on finishing in Portuguese before I go home. We had a super good talk with a less active that served a mission and is just down in the dumps. We set goals with him and it got us thinking a ton about the goals that we have for our "real" lives. Sometimes we just forget where we are going and who we want to be, we let the wind blow us in whatever direction it goes. But, when we move intentionally towards who we want to be, we have a MUCH larger chance of arriving there. Being less scathed and tattered. I know that to be a fact, Ive seen it in my life and yours!
Com amor,
Miss you MONTIS (aka a ton),
Sister Haley Mills


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