Monday, January 6, 2014

Ice Ice Baby...



Sister Armknecht is getting mid transfer adjusted! :( We just found out through an email from President. She is getting sent to train two other sisters in a tripanionship in Bozeman. She is perfect for the job, but I will miss her dearly. She's quiet, but man that sister CAN TEACH. The spirit always abounds where she's involved. Funny story with her- we visited this house to look for someone. Turned out to be a group home? She goes, "What's a group house?" HAHAHA. After I tell her she panics and the whole rest of the night every prayer was- thank you for our safety. thank you for this safe car. thank you for our safe house... HILARIOUS.

Speaking of hilarious. I slipped on ice and landed STRAIGHT on my back (movie style) twice this week. I don't think Montana is my place? HAHA. The first time we were at a less actives house and her 3 year old daughter comes out yelling "ARE YOU OKAY?!" Over and over while I just laugh and laugh. Sister Armknecht thought she'd have to take me to the hospital FOR SURE. The second time it was at the ward mission leader's house and I fell out of the car onto my back. My legs were straight in the air. It wasn't very lady like. I was just so excited to see our ward mission leader (Who had been out of town for 3 weeks.) You don't realize how lonely missionary work is until you are LITERALLY doing it alone.

We had the coolest experience this week! We were tracting (because we dropped our two most progressing investigators this week) and we came up to this house where we had previously chatted with a 13 year old girl. We knock on the door and her older brother answers (around 18 years old) all of the sudden the first thing out of my mouth is, " Do you think there could be prophets now days like there were in Bible times?" (Not something we ever start a conversation out with?) And he goes... "Yeah, actually, I was just thinking about that lately." BOOOM. Then his mom came out and yelled at us and pulled her son inside, but it was amazing knowing that I had asked an inspired question without even knowing it. The Holy Ghost really does put what we should say in our hearts and minds. In the very minute, in the very hour which we need it!

Love you muito muito muito!
Sister Haley K. Mills

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