Monday, January 13, 2014

Transfers, Companions, and Throw up

I threw up probably for the first time in like 5 years. And then I threw up some more. And more. So much so that my new companions got special permission to go out without me. Then me, the hangout-a-holic that I am, ripped myself out of bed the next day to make sure I didn't miss anything. AKA I walked around like a missionary zombie and infected people. Awful for business. Sorry not sorry. The missionary work must go on! 

My new companions. What to say what to say. We will start with Sister Sherratt. She is 20 and from Diamond Bar, California. She is a temple square sister who just got sent here for her 3 months of a "real mission!" Yeah... I just said that. She came out on her mission the same day as me, but so far her whole mission has been tours and chats, so it is a HUGE change for her. She is also crazy. Like... louder and more talkative than me. It's a little insane. But I kind of love it? Also fun fact she made it on American Idol a couple of years ago, but broke security by telling someone so she got kicked off. AKA she is my twin. In being a blabber mouth NOT in singing skills obviously. Sister Jackson is my other companion. She is 30 and from La Mesa, California. She is the sane one. Very... very sane. And possibly our mother? She has been out for 5 weeks and she has already cleaned up my vomit like a CHAMP. I'd say her training is more extensive than most peoples. HAAA. 

So with everything going on we haven't gotten to do much, BUT we did move into our new ward, which is Missoula SECOND WARD! WOOO! We got lost one day and met a crazy hoarder woman who didn't want to hear about the gospel, but wanted to show us all of her hoardings? We also almost got crashed into by an SUV fishtailing on PACKED SOLID ICE. We helped them escape with some ice melt and a little directional push (and some prayers and gospel talk). Then WE almost ran into others on the same road trying to leave our dinner appointment? Really a perfect week all around!

Boring for days. It's okay though, because I have become boring myself? It's missionary work all day everyday over here.


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