Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Preacher Girl

I mean it. I gave a talk on Sunday and woaaah hidden talent? PULPIT POUNDING. Sister Armknecht and I were given the topic of "Decisions for Eternity." I don't know if I've described Sister Armknecht well yet, but she is quiet. Like a church mouse quiet. But SUPER intelligent. So when it comes to giving talks she gives this great little talk- and I mean little (5 minutes). Realizing her talk was so short she starts just sharing quotes.... then leaves me with like 35 minutes.CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.And that's how I became a preacher girl. I ad libbed and spoke no problem. I knew the Lord had to have been helping because public speaking is NOT a talent of mine. Anyway, I called everyone to repentance and filled our dinner calendar for the next month because everyone now thinks I am a good role model for good choices? Awkward. I just embrace it.

Speaking of awkward. We almost drowned Trinity? AKA I got soaking wet climbing half way into the font and calming her down after her 2nd dunk when she was under for like 20 seconds- with the baptizer trying to push her the rest of the way under? To no avail. 3rd dunk is the charm. Or maybe it wasn't? But the good news is the witnesses took pity on her and pronounced her baptized! (The millennium is to fix those kinds of mistakes right?) She finally stopped screaming "I DON'T WANT TO GET BAPTIZED ANYMORE!" And I had that cute little doe eyed convert run up and hug me at church on Sunday. All worth it.

Hmmm lets see. Oh yeah, CHRISTMAS! Believe it or not, NOT my favorite holiday as a missionary! People were appalled that the only family tradition I could think of was being out of town? Preferably somewhere sunny? ALSO I had the flu. In Montana culture if someone is sick you pretend they are the devil himself come to personally get you. AKA we had like zero appointments all week. BUT the good news is I am feeling WAY better and we had 2 new investigators at church on Sunday!... that we are meeting with this week! Don't be surprised if we drown them in this next month. Baptizing is our new favorite thing! Bringing people through the gate so they can walk the strait and narrow path to God- there is no greater joy. "And lo- he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might. The same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul."

Talking to A^3 (Andrew, Ali, Aurora) was the BEST! Sister Armknecht was dying laughing the whole time. Apparently we are hilarious. Also- the Conrads (who we skyped at) LOVED Rory. I talked her up for a good hour and then I get on and ANDREW LET HER NAP!!! So I just talked really loud and woke her up? It's FIIINE.Concerning the VISA. Ali is getting the police letter on Wednesday she said, so SLC should have it by Monday. I've started getting emails from my ecclesiastical card with how much Brazillian money I have on it? AKA I'M PRETTY POSITIVE IT'S HAPPENING! Oh ye of little faith! We can all learn a little something from the Brother of Jared, eh? You want to see his hand in your life? LOOK FOR IT!

I have to go, but I am so happy you are doing sketchy things on Cathedral roofs? So proud.


Sister Haley K. Mills

PS I've become OBSESSED with "Jesus the Christ". I made the mistake of perusing during personal study and now I can't stop reading it! AHHH!

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