First thing is first... I am pulling for the US to have second place!!! I can't pull for us to have first because lets be honest, I know like 3 people who play soccer, gotta give it to Brazil. They are more dedicated.
Okay now. Obviously you already know but we are recieving my THIRD mission president this week! I'm weirdly nervous AND excited. It's the start of a new time you know? Oh man but I will miss Presidente Martins. He was a little bit of a smart aleck but that's what I liked about him! HA! He was sooo funny at our last zone conference- his wife was going on about how amazing he is and he stands up and says- already ten minutes, if you say more they'll think im paying you! HAHA. But really, it was such a short time with Presidente and Sister Martins, but very impactful. One thing Sister Martins said that blew my mind a little- Ill try to translate it well- was after her husband talked about missionaries that are legal (cool) and missionaries that are GOOD (like... obedient) she said,
Everyone can have opinions about me, but they cant judge me, no. Only God can judge me.
This got me to thinking about the praise of man. President Mecham talked to me about this a little and I think this is one weakness a lot of people have. Me included, probably more than others. Buuuut WHO ARE WE TRYING TO IMPRESS HERE?! God. So if we are doing anything contrary to what he has asked of us, we may be LEGAL now, but we wont be laughing in the end.
So then thinking on this we were leaving the conference and I was like- man we have to have a little more faith and a little more action. So we enter the ônibus AND I sit next to this woman who is grinning EAR TO EAR. Im like- heyyy tudo bem? She goes- you dont remember me?! ... oh no. We talk to muito gente you know? So im like noooo when did we talk Im sorry! She then tells me this amazing story about how she wanted to go to this amazing church with authority of God I told her about 2 months ago on the bus, but she didnt know where it was! So she was praying that she would see the ...big? American again. So then 2 weeks ago she sees me and my friend (companion) and gets all excited but we were talking to someone and then we left really fast she said. So she was super sad- obviously God didnt want her to go to this church... Then we enter the onibus (way later than we ever use it and in a different area- fate right?) and she just loses it. I tell her where the church is and how she can find it and that we have the nickname MORMON so if she asks ANYONE theyll know where it is. She goes- Mormon? Is that the word for a lot of people in english? HAAA! Nooo that is the name of a prophet. She goes- OH you mean Moses? I'm like no... Mormon mesmo. Mormon? Where is he in the Bible? He ISNT! So I explain that proof we have that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God is the book of mormon. An ancient record of the people here in the Americas. She dies. WHERE CAN SHE BUY THIS BOOK?! HAAA. Are you with me? I gave her one and she starts crying. Then we see the bus like 3 minutes later leaving the station and she is reading alreaaaady. GOD LOVES US PEOPLE.
Lots of miracles this week, and not lots of time, but i love you and miss you! Soldades! Especially around birthday time!
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Alphaville Zone Photo with Presidente Martins |
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