Oiiii! It's been a long week! BUTTT we made it! And that's a blessing.It looks like we have reached the end of the "health probs" rope! I spent the whole weekend twiddling my thumbs{slash}taking 3 bottles of laxatives and not eating in prep for my colonoscopy on Monday! Don't worry though, I kept the missionary work up and made best friends with all the nurses and doctors. They want me to come back? What they don't realize is they'll be getting a gospel lesson next time.
The results for my colonoscopy aren't all in, BUTTT he said it was healing great and I'm so excited I ran out of their and danced in the snow. In only a v-neck. And Sister Taylor (who came with us and is maybe my favorite person in the whole world right now. Sorry not sorry.) was worried I was going to catch a cold and die... or fall over. I was still a little loopy from the anesthetic! Ohhh well! Yolo! Sort of...
I have to tell you about "Brian." This Less Active who is in LOVE with me. Wish I was kidding. He is 60 years old, and hadn't been to church in a long time, but the missionaries came and visited him every week. Welllll, we go visit him my first week here, and he has been to church ever since. Never missed a Sunday. On Friday we were meeting with him and he goes, "Now, what if God sent me a younger woman to get me to heaven. I mean way younger. But God wanted us together, so we would have to get married right?" Silence. Me, "wellll you always have your agency." Brian, "But we could even have children, like Abraham and Sarah." Silence. Brian, "She would be in her twenties, and have Sister Mills' personality.... and looks."BAHAHAHA. We booked it out of there. I just kept thinking. He is a child of God, he is a child of God, he is a child of God. We told the Elders and they wanted to come with us next time and protect me? I assured them I was in no danger, but if they wanted an invite to the wedding they better not joke about it! HAHAHA.
Also, sorry, you start to realize how much you talk when you write letters. desculpNAOdesculp. We got a new investigator this week, "Heather." When they talk about golden investigators they mean her! Remember that inn we have been painting? Welllll we were helping for the 3rd week in a row when I meet the owner's daughter (recent divorcee) inside cleaning paintbrushes. She tells me that she had been looking into the church in Montana before her and her husband got divorced, but he was anti, and the elders couldn't come in when she was alone. So she moved to Cody and starting praying one night that something would happen to let her know what to do and the next day one of those Elders messaged her on Fbook and said he was thinking about her and wanted to send the Cody Elders over (he didn't know WE were here!) So she was considering it when we showed up to paint the first time. Then her mom tried to talk her out of talking to us. Then the second time she KNEW it was a sign. Then the third time she was trying to decide how to approach us when chatty kathy (me, obviously) struck up a conversation. I sincerely hope this all works out, but it was a miracle and we are so blessed despite all the health stuff we have had to deal with lately.
Sister Mills
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Sisters Helm and Mills |
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