Tuesday, July 9, 2013

First Letter - a little wild and unedited...

Hey Brother and Sister Mills,

My name is Elder Frazier and I am in your daughter's district. I am currently holding her computer so no one steals it while she hangs her skirts to dry in the laundry room. She is really awesome!! We have a lot of fun talking about politics and all that sorts of stuff. We both decided our 2016 Candidate was Condi Rice. Great choice, right? Pretty much we are best friends. Oh and Elder Wilson, who is currently reading over my shoulder, says hi too! Oh your daughter is now yelling through the room if anyone has a card reader for her camera. Oh it looks like she is ready to write. TCHAU!

Heyyyyyyyyyooooooo! This Is elder wilson! Sister Mills is so great! I'm pretty sure she has been OBEYING all of the rules to exactness all of the time. She is such a great example and I know you all will be so proud of her. She is so great at speaking the language! you guys will be so blessed for her hard work!

Oh heeeyyy. This is Elder Thomas. Ya raised her right. She's gonna killll the mish. Straight up shootin up the people of brazil wif all her love n effextcion (This is Sister Mills- he doesn't really talk like that....)

Tis is Elder Carney. I am basically the pride and joy of our district, especially Sister Mills. I too love Condi Rice, she is from Denver, which is where I too hail from. Sister mills is basically the greatest and is so incredibly good at port. She also brings a really good spirit to our District. So thanks for giving her so many fun stories about your family. Tchau!! -District Leader.

Oi! This is Elder McLaughlin. Your daughter is HILARIOUS (in spite of the politics.) Is she always this way?! Or is it just because she is in Elder McLAUGHlin's dictrict?!?!?! Tchau Tchau for now! Oh and I hear you work with exploited children... can you please get on Jimmy Kemmel's case for me? That guys show is a crime against humanity.

HIIII!!!!! This is SISTER MICKELSEN! (Her favorite sister...okay maybe besides her companion sister cotton) but i'm her gym partner and i absolutely LOVE SISTER MILLS!!! thank you for passing on genes of such a fun girl!!! she's hilarious and i feel like myself around her!! k bye!!! (Sister Mickelsen and I are in the same zone!)

Oi Tudo bem?? I am your daughters companion Sister Cotton aaaaaand, she wastes my time all the time with her weird phobias and diet allergies. For reals she puts a smile on my face. Love having her as a companion but I plan on leaving her as soon as my VISA gets here because she forget her yellow fever card. (Oh yeah, mom, can you send that ASAP?? It's yellow with international stamps on it??)

Oh heyyyy. The Elders want me to send you a picture  of them to illustrate their little snippets. Ha! Sooooo I LOVE THE MTC. The first day I was considering taking a flight of shame (home) because it was soooo awful, but it turns out your first day being the day before the 4th of July creates muito problemas? So we'll start from the beginning. I get on my flight to SLC with like... literally 30 other elders/sisters and we take a shuttle bus to the MTC from there. We drop our stuff off in our room where we are promised we will have time to unpack later. (And I thought missionaries didn't lie!) We go to the classroom and proceed to learn more Portuguese than I learned Spanish in two whole years! So now that our brains were fried we were sent from orientation to orientation until 11PM when we get back to our room. Then we unpack until 12:30AM. But it's fiiiiine, because we have to get up at 5:30 because Brazillian missionaries have to eat breakfast at 6:30 before everyone. Then we get told we get to stay up late and watch the fireworks! Our whole district literally GROANED! Ha! But after two days of staying up late and accidently sleeping through gym on Monday, we are feeling sooo much better about the sitch. Every second of every day is planned out and we don't know what to do with ourselves when they give us a 5 minute break. We all find ourselves back in the classroom. Our teacher Irmao McGill is the best and literally everyone in our district is amazing. They are all SUPER hilar and we have a blast laughing about every Portuguese mistake (aka every 5 seconds). I wish I had time to hash out every Elder and Sister, but we have limited computer time and I'm hoping to send some pictures!

And now for the good stuff, my companion is Sister Kaela Cotton! Our celebrity nickname is Cotton-Mills. Literally everyone calls us that even if we just introduce ourselves. She is soooo outgoing, sarcastic, hilarious, and just... nice? It's the weirdest combo but it totally works! We have a BLAST and she is super chill so it's like a match made in heaven.... wait.... it was! We have already taught 3 lessons and Sister Cotton has this HEAVY Southern accent from North Carolina so whenever she says anything in Portuguese it sounds like texmexitalian? It's HILAR. We have a ball laughing about it. Sometimes I accidentally pick up her accent too? Imagine me as a hick? Muito bem eh? Also we found out he wasn't married soooo law of chastity second lesson? AWKKK. Never ask a question you don't know the answer for/ aren't prepared for. But we dealt with it well I guess!  Anyway I have to run, but I'll write more next week PROMISE! Oh and the cafeteria LOVES me! There is a special diet room! It is the best! They have a menu that tells me what I can and cannot eat and then have a room where I can get stuff to eat if I feel like everything else is too sketchhhh. And thank you sooo much for the cookies! I might be the most popular person in our district... Just kidding. But really. Thanks for the cookies, and the Richter's sent oreos! Sooooo I'm eating like a QUEEN! Alright no joke I'm outtie.

I know that I am doing the right thing here, my testimony has grown so much in just this one week here. I know that we can return to live with our father in heaven.

No more time for realzzzz.


Sister Haley Kristina Mills

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