Monday, February 3, 2014

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Let me teach you a little story about the boy who cried wolf. Or maybe the TRAVEL OFFICE who cried wolf? AKA I still don't have my VISA or an update to my knowledge. Supposedly once you do get your VISA it takes 3 weeks for your travel plans and everything. I've decided to drop the subject til I've got those travel plans in my clammy man-sized hands.
Also- SURPRISE Whitefish is maybe the coldest place on the planet. And we have practically zero investigators so we do a lot of tracting. [Note- the guy next to me in the library just told me it is supposed to be 20 below tomorrow night? Oh joyyyy.] And by practically zero investigators I mean the two we did have both had panic attacks this week and dropped us? They don't know each other, but we are thinking of setting them up as friends? We also had these two SOLID potentials who turned out to live right out of our boundaries. Curse Kalispell. Just kidding. Bringing souls unto Christ no matter where they live is our goal!

For the first time in my entire mission my companion was sick and I wasn't! [Sorry for the morbid exclamation point, but I am ALWAYS the sickly one! Shout out to Sister Helm who always called me a "hydrochondriac"] Yesterday Sister Wilbert passed out into a chair at church. Of course I forced her to go to our lunch appointment, but after we went home and she slept until today. Which is code for I was SUPER spiritually edified for hours. Being sick at home is sort of fun when you can watch television... luckily we have internet in our apartment and I got to watch mormon messages for 4 hours? ...after reading all of Alma? It's fiiiine.

I'm trying to think of any funny stories or miracles this week. The longer you are on your mission the more those things just become common place. Erry day we see miracles, and erry day we do stupid/hilarious things. It's a way of life really. Being a missionary is so awkward sometimes all you can do is look at yourself and LAUGH. 

Love you MUITO,
Sister Haley K. Mills

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