Monday, February 17, 2014

I've gone Country


My emails have gotten lame. I apologize. SOOO I decided to write things down so I remembered them when it came time to write. And guess what? I have like 5 million things in my planner. So... turns out life isn't as boring as I thought?

First things first, I am so glad little Rory has learned to count to 4! What a little smarty-pants! And she knows her colors! Maybe she can be an inventory specialist or something when she is older? I'm just thinking ahead you know? I can't believe she will be two before I get home! That little snot growing up without me!!!

Second things... second? There is this feminist woman who comes to church every week, but believes none of our doctrine? Not sure why she got baptized, but when I asked her if she knows the Book of Mormon is true she goes- "It's just a bunch of men! Even (some company) has a WOMAN C.E.O! Women are hidden like toadstools." HAHAHA. Tell me you aren't dying. I've been laughing about it for a week now. Don't worry, I zipped my lip.

Vitamin D. I bought a whole bunch of it, because the doctor told me maybe I had a deficiency and that's why I've been so exhausted. SO I forget to take it and I take it right before bed. Then I am up ALL night with this psychotic amount of energy. I'm pretty sure that was how I was at home? The winter blues is real. That's all.

I noticed in the ward newsletter that everyone described their country. Well, I only have Montana, but it might as well be it's own country. Here are a few of my favorite things!
-Venison at every meal. Elk meatloaf is my fave to date.
-Deer are everywhere- people consider them rodents, my first week here I was like OH MY GOODNESS A DEER! Now I am like... can we swerve and hit it? -It snows everyday. At some point it snows. We are like sopping wet dogs shuffling around everywhere.
-The phrase "no front teeth" is found in the area book. In EVERY area book.
-We have more technology than anyone here. We whip out those little Ipads to teach lessons and people are in SHOCK.
-I have now used ice melt so much I know the perfect ratio, AND I can shovel snow faster than anyone else, obviously I'm considering entering a contest.

Compliment corner: (1) I was told I was "Really profound for a young twenties ditzy California girl." Compliment? Right? (2) I was told I'm a "day-walker?" AKA I'm losing my soul on my mission. Everyone calls me a ginger. I've finally given in and accepted my fate.

I was on exchanges with the Sister Training Leader this weekend... SISTER CHRISTENSEN my trainer! And we had a BALL! We decided to blitz Whitefish, then tract the rest of the day ourselves. Needless to say we found a ton of new investigators! It is crazy how prepared some people are, they just don't even know they are looking! We ran into this couple Charlie and Paula who are from California. They know lots of Mormons, but they said they had never had the missionaries over! We thought we must have accidentally ran into members when we knocked they were SO excited to see us! Sister Christensen turned to me and asks- do you know them?! No....? Well we taught them the first lesson on the spot and they committed to coming to church. Now here is the thing with that... It's a Canadian holiday, and we have the best skiing around. AKA our chapel plus overflow didn't have enough room for all the Canadians and they had to do TWO sets of sacrament stuff! So they may or may not have come? Rough problem to have right?

Then there is Trevor. He is dating a woman in the ward and has been coming for a while now. He didn't want to meet with the missionaries, but his girlfriend knows people in Mesa and we may or may not be best friends now. Point is, he loves me, and let us come over. We taught him the first lesson and he said he hasn't found any holes yet, and he is so confused why everyone hates the Mormons when they know nothing about it. He has been reading the Book of Mormon and loves it. AKA GOLDEN. We are stoked.

Final words of wisdom. A brother in the ward shared this little gem in sacrament this week- "Take advantage of the situation you find yourself in." AND I called someone in the area book, when she asked how I got her number I said... "an old book?" Sister Christensen practically chokes to death holding down laughter.

Woahhh, sorry I'll stop there. Enough Sister Mills for the week eh?

Love you and miss you terribly.
Sister Haley K. Mills

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