Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thanks and Miracles

You´d think with a ton of practice I´d just start these emails right up, but it´s like trying to write about a year of your life in 3 sentances. Yeah. Its that hard.
So in our highlights from this week... our office elders have recently learned that I love politics so I've started recieving regular updates on politics? You could say I'm SUPES greatful.
Speaking of grateful we had THANKSGIVING! WOOOOOO! And when I say thanksgiving in BRASIL, I want to say- Mixed Christmas/thanksgiving? Since they don't have Thanksgiving they made things like Christmas rice (only in Brasil) and some other dish with fruit and flour? I'm not really sure what it was called, but I'm thinking we are a little narrow minded on our food options there in the states. Why have we not been enjoying Christmas rice all this time?! Its fine. I'm bringing recipes.

But really it was the best- we got there and I'm like- WHERE IS THE GRAVY?!?! (Mom- who knew I liked gravy?) So I make it there on the spot (also, who knew I knew how to make it?) and everyone loved it! Julia (she is 14) was like- MOM PUT THIS STUFF ON YOUR POTATOES! And then everyone spent the rest of the night trying to pronounce gravy. SUCCESS.

In other news we had the COOLEST miracle of my whole mission this week. Her name is Elizeth. And it all started with a rain storm, when obviously we were on our way to visit a man so we couldn't go in his house. Sister Hauet and I stop and look at each other for all of 10 seconds trying to decide what to do when I woman comes out of her house and says (translated obviously) "GIRLS! Come inside my house until the rain stops would you?" Ummm obviously yes! So we go in and chat for a little- then I ask her about her family and she starts (I kid you not) BAWLING. She informs us that her daughter died of cancer and then the rest of her family is less than family. And not knowing what to say the compy and I make eye contact. (We sort of have a thing where if we dont know what to say- I talk, like always right?) So I'm like uhhhh... Irmã, I know God loves you.

She LOSES it. She then tells us she prayed the day before that she could know that He was actually there. Long story short we marked her baptism for the day we leave and she is AMAZING.
More next week! LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!

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