Monday, October 20, 2014

Are we there yet?

When we teach the plan of salvation we always say things like- "and then we all die. its just part of life."

But I'm gonna be honest. It´s still scary. And obviously, I'm talking about a spiritual death... not real death here.

Yesterday we received a call from the office that Sister Conley will be emergency transferred. Tomorrow. Along with like 20 sisters. So Sister Hauet will be my new companion and who knows whats gonna happen at transfers in 2 weeks! But we all thought we were safe to die here in Porto Feliz! 

Just when you get comfortable... well... I´ve learned that God is not a comfortable God. So we just keep going! Like that super annoying fish on Finding Nemo. I know you were going there too.

So on to real talk. This was my week in a nutshell:
We were on divisions it went a little like this- 
the irmã said super innocently- "sister do you want some natural fruit juice?"    
So I start to drink and im just like... "mmmm irmã this is SO GOOD (lie) what is in it?" 
"abacaxi, cenora, laranga, e... beterraba" 
So Im like... okay, pinapple, carrot, orange, and some fruit they only have in Brasil?
"mmm irmã really this is so good, I'm just trying to figure out what the flavor is"
So then her returned missionary son goes... "FOUND IT!" and shows me the google translate on his phone while everyone laughs and i try to wipe my tongue off on my plate of beans and rice.
Ladies and gents... I drank beet juice. 
Sooo as it turns out beet in Portuguese is "beterraba." And I'll never forget it. We can all learn from this- learn bad words AND gross foods in other languages first things first.

Also on divisions (it was a good day) we were marking a baptismal date and the girl says (like they all do) "but I was already baptized!?" 
So we say like we do EVERYTIME, "BUUUT if God shows you that he restored his church, that the authority to baptize is here on the earth, then will you be baptized?" 
So we explain we-have-the-unique-authority-to-baptize-here-on-the-earth and she goes again, "but I can be baptized again?" "YESSS, but this time with proper authority!" 
So she finally says yes and we mark a date.
And then she says- so last time i was baptized by elders and this time sisters? 
HAHAHAHAHA. Turns out she hasn't been to church in 4 years and was embarrassed to tell us. BUT the good news is she said she´ll go to church Sunday? I'll keep you updated. Hahahaha.

We were interviewing a family to be baptized (I'll talk about it next week probs) and we were explaining to the 10 year old, Renata, all about the word of wisdom to prepare her to be interviewed after her brother. Their Dad wasn't giving permission, so the mom sat down with the elders and him and finally told him straight up that she wants to get baptized and that she will THIS SATURDAY. So obviously during this time we didn't want to be there, so we run into the street with the kids and wait for the elders to say its safe to enter. Hahaha. So we are like- God gave us a law for our health. Do you think God knows better than us? (Yes, duh) So he gave us this law to follow...  Then Elder Perkins comes out to interview them and I go- "Renata, he´s only going to ask you about the things we talked about today." And she says REAL quiet to me- "But you already told us all the answers!!!!"

So in the events list for this week, I drank beet juice, tried to mark a baptismal date with a less active, AND cheated on a baptismal interview. Run and tell that.

Amo vocês,

Sister Mills

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