Monday, May 5, 2014

Baby, will you pray?


Its preparation day agaaaain! OH and its transfers? Again? We wont know til later today if we are transferred, BUT there is a rumor that if you get an email from President that doesn't say the name of your companion in it then you are.... sooooo.... well see about that today! HA!

Dad got a jeep?! Do you have pictures? WHAT IS THIS!!!! I wanted a jeep when I got home! Oh well, it sounds awesome! And at this point Ill settle for anything that isn't a ônibus. The other day we were on one for over 2 hours, on dirt roads, going AT LEAST 60 mph. I almost vomited. AND I learned what they call roller coasters here? Montanha Russa? AKA Russian Mountain? No one can explain that one to me!

Tell Danielle happy birthday! I actually looked at my watch on the second and was like... tomorrow I have 10 months, and today is Danielle's BIRTHDAY! So she should know I thought about her on this continent! Also, I have started referring to this day as Brazilian Thanksgiving. We have this investigator, MAGALI. She is THE BEST IN THE WORLD, and on date to be baptized next week. (We want 8 baptisms this month so WATCH OUT) She feeds us EVERYTIME we come over. We can't leave without eating. So one day we got stuck there. And I mean stuck. We had like 12 courses. And she brought over all of her neighbors and family to meet us. We have like 12 contacts from her and now we are fat. Oh and then everyone tried to kiss me and I had to scream NÃO PODE and duck, but I was in a chair so people ended up like leaning on my face? EVERYONE WAS DYING LAUGHING. My life is bliss obviously. But seriously if she doesn't get baptized soon I will gain 20 kilos. 3rd world problems??? Hahahaha.Then we visited this less active Izilda and she thought we were probably starving and forced MORE food on us. Like... I took home a whole bottle of olive oil...

Still didn't get the package, but we have interviews next week AND we are going to the temple, so FYI I wont be writing til I think Tuesday? And if the package has arrived President should be bringing it to interviews!

In other exciting news we are supposed to baptize Andressa this Saturday! she is 12, and LEGAL! (cool. I realize that looks like I am saying she is legal? Oh well, you only mission once.) We asked her if she wanted to be baptized and she started crying and said - I want to be clean! Well technically she said - Eu quero ser limpo. But you get the point. She is GOLDEN. We were going to have her baptism last week but her aunt wants to make a bolo? SO... a baptism got pushed back for a cake? Only in Brazil. 

Did you know Brazil has LABOR DAY? But it is called day of the worker. Or as I mistakenly called it day of work?? Dia de trabalho. Minha preferida! We had almoço with our ward mission leader whose name is something REAL close to Voldemort? I still haven't figured that one out. And it was hilarious because everyone calls Sister Armstrong baby because she just... I don't know but they do. And so he gave us all nicknames? Sister Leite? AWFUL. Mas, Sister Bebe was my favorite. Especially when he shortened it to just bebe. I should include that he sort of looks and acts like an Indian Steve Carell. 

So just imagine this - Baby, will you pray? 

I don't think he knows what he is saying?! Mas it is MUITO hilarious. Oh then everyone here has a certain way they eat oranges and if you eat them wrong everyone FREAKS OUT. Soooo Sister Armstrong and I were made fun of for another 30 minutes. BEBE PARA!!!! Baby stoppp!!! HAHAHA. I die.

I was in a historic reunião this Sunday. The stake president came and talked to us about our ward splitting and gave us all assignments. Don't worry. Ours is to visit every single person on the ward list. Simples, na? OH and I played the piano for the first part of sacrament? Then got fired?! AWKWARD. Remind me to practice when I get home.  

Anyway, I love you. I miss you! And I will talk to you this Sunday! We are peppering the ward with obscure questions to figure out who has the fastest internet?

Sister Mills, Bishop Santos, Tamires. Sister Fuller

Sister Mills

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