Monday, August 19, 2013

Life is like a Rodeo...

At the request of Elder McLaughlin (may he rest in Billings) I'll say-  "Joke's on me, I'm in Cody, Wyoming!"    

The Billings, Montana mission was a shock, but getting sent to the hickest place around was like... I don't even know... REVELATION. And  the best part is? I love it here! HA! It's exactly the opposite of everything my mission in Brazil is going to be and I don't even care.  All of Wyoming is the size of Mesa, AZ. Just let that sink in for a  minute. Welcome to Cody. There is a rodeo every single night and the  first night I met the Bishop in his work clothes. He works on a damn?  AKA He was looking ROUUUUGH. Everyone is SO nice and I maybe get told I'm a pretty little thing 500 times a day. So obvs, I love it!    

To make matters even better, I am being trained by the best missionary in the entire world. Sorry I'm not sorry. Sister Christensen is from Richfield, Utah and has been out for 6 months. So all you Utahans if you've heard of "Christensen's" the department store, her family owns all three! She is THE hardest working and is obedient to a "T". It's  hilarious because President Meacham has asked us to wake up at 6:23,  so she wakes up at 6:18, so she can be exactly productive by exactly  6:23. Whiiiich I think was the point of 6:23, so we could be productive at 6:30? See the cycle here?! Hahaha. But seriously she is so awesome. Very outgoing, sooo nice, and the other day she accidentally prayed to herself at a dinner appointment? She has been traumatized ever since. "Dear Sister Christensen.... Uhhhhhhhh" Then everyone died laughing. Including the non-member husband of the COOLEST Sister in the ward. After our dinner she comes up to me and  goes- "it's just not fair that they would call the only person with any life in them to Brazil where you can just point at someone on the street and say- BE BAPTIZED." I promised her I'd "get" her husband if it's the last thing I do in Cody. People have been trying for 20 years, but let's be honest, tenacity isn't a joke with me.    

So speaking of "getting" people. Sister Christensen and I showed up in  Cody on Tuesday night and took over Cody 2nd ward. Ever heard of  "white washing??!" Our life. We had no one to our name, and didn't know a single person in Cody (other than the McDougal's whom we live with- AKA coach. welcome to a small town!). We hit the ground running  and starting tracting our street. We joke about that experience all the time because now everyone contact we have is on our street so we  don't have to use our miles! HA! We found a woman who had been taught previously and now we have a baptism set for September 14th! HAAAA!  Sister Christensen is a sister training leader with Sister Taylor in Lovell, WY and when President Meacham found out he about died laughing. He said he knew I would be a fire cracker! Love this place.  We are the first Sister missionaries here in as long as anyone can remember and that is getting everyone STOKED for missionary work. It's so sad telling people that Sister Christensen is only my companion for 2 weeks because then Sister Huskey (also a VISA waiter going to Sao Paulo North, who came out same day) is coming here to be my companion so Sister Taylor can finish out her mission with Sister Christensen.  They've been together 6 months and it's like they are dating. It's hilarious. Anyway, Sister Huskey will come here as early as Saturday and since it's my area I will probs make senior companion in 2 weeks?  Mission record whaaaa? 

Anyway, the work is moving along here in Cody and I am just treating it like it is Brazil. The field is white and I'm ready to harvest! Sorry my thoughts are so scattered, there are two other sets of Elders in Cody and they are trying to hurry us to come with them to Powell and hang out with the zone.  A really cool experience from this week- we were tracting and I felt like we should visit everyone on Meadow Lane since we were there anyway. We go to the first house and no one is home. So we walk a little ways to a set of apartment buildings I hadn't noticed on the map, and on the ward list there is a Sister Kim (from Korea) listed as living in one of them. We go to her door and knock and she answers in TEARS. She goes I'm having a REALLY hard time and I just prayed and told God I needed something right now. Then I hear a knock and I look through the peep hole and see your tags. I know God sent you, and I know he loves me now (all in broken English). She then goes on to tell us some difficulties she is having with her ex-husband and their fight over the custody of their kids. It was just so nice to know that God really does hear our prayers and we can be an answer to someone elses if we listen to the spirit. Most times if we are tune, we don't even realize we are being guided.   

Alright times up! I love you all so much!    

Sister Mills!    

PS my Portuguese is going downHILLLLLL.   

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