Monday, January 27, 2014

Whitefish, Blackfish, Redfish, Bluefish!

Our ward mission leader's wife was driving to work in her Bronco. When she looks over to see Nicole Kidman staring her down at a stop light. It's Whitefish. That's all.

This has been the hardest week of my mission. I won't lie. I'm definitely not best friends with this companion. AKA pray for my VISA? I would give you details, but when you warned me a couple of weeks ago about companions and I laughed because I hadn't had a problem. You were definitely inspired. Oh well, the stories I'll be able to tell when I get home about almost being punched during a Friday night planning session. What I've learned though, is without adversity our character would never be tested. Heavenly Father puts us in situations to learn and grow, wherever that may be.

I was reminded this week of a story President Price (Missoula Stake Presidency) told us at the beginning of last transfer at a missionary breakfast. There is a road next to his house that is maybe at a 45 degree angle. Every couple of days during the winter the snows melt and this road becomes a literal death trap. Parents will go to pick up their kids from various play dates at the bottom of the road only to find they can't get back up. Try as they might they slip and slide and end up rolling back down the hill into Bishop Olsen's driveway. So when they are home they pull out their chains and drag the vehicle up the hill with their truck. President Price went on to explain that sometimes we need that little push. We can almost do it alone, but we need a little extra help from our brothers and sisters. And we as missionaries get the opportunity to be that pull for people. So we leave the breakfast and as we go up the hill Sister Armknecht and I start to fall. All the missionaries run up and start pushing us up this hill. At the end we were all laughing as we realized that even missionaries need a little push sometimes. That went from story to object lesson real fast.

Miracles of the week:

 We stopped by this less active's house "Sharon." And as we go to say a closing prayer her neighbor "Rachel" comes in. Sharon asks Rachel if she wants to pray with us and she says absolutely. So I pray with ALL my heart that I'll say whatever she needs to hear during this prayer. At the end she goes... I just got goosebumps. Afterwards Sharon told us she has been helping them out with some health stuff and was looking for a church. She found this church she loves, but it's only in Whitefish and she has been concerned about what to do if she ever moves. We made a return appointment when Rachel could be there and we are stoked. Some people are looking for the truth and just "know not where to find it."

"Saul." Such a biblical name. We are completely out of miles for the month as usual, and we were driving home on Saturday night. We only had enough miles to get home and it was 8:00 so we couldn't just tract. I ask Sister Wilbert who lives close by that we can visit literally on the way home. She mentions someone who lives right off the road, but hadn't been answering our phone calls all week "Danielle". So we drop in, she lives in the smallest trailer I've ever seen, so we have no where to sit, but she had a friend over named Saul. As we try to share a message I feel inspired to tell Saul what we are sharing the message from- "The Book of Mormon." He asks what the Book of Mormon is about and I then explain the story of Lehi leaving Jerusalem and essentially all the stories until Jacob. The spirit was SO strong so I say- would you be baptized? He goes- why do I need to be baptized? I say- why did Jesus Christ need to be baptized? He drops his head for a second and goes- a light just went off in my mind and the spirit is so strong. I think there is something to this. Let me think about it for just one evening. The next day he showed up at church. He ran away after sacrament with the explanation that he needed to digest all the information (aka he got to come on the week that they talked about baptisms for the dead? They should really submit all talks to us for approval.) I don't know where Saul's journey will take him, but I know I felt the hand of God in his life that night and I know he felt it too. The spirit led us there I am sure of it. Afterwards I had to thank Heavenly Father for letting us run out of miles. It always turns out to be a blessing in disguise.

There are actually like twelve more, but just know that this was a week of miracles- as all weeks are. We just have to look for them and remain faithful. 

I love you so much and hope everything on the home front is going well. I know I never give you homework, but would you read about Abenadi this week? His story can remind us all that we stand for something, and that what we do effects others. Abenadi may have felt his mission was lost when he was killed, but little did he know Alma was converted through his testimony. Only to propel the WHOLE list of miracles that then ensue from that.

I love you!

Sister Haley K. Mills


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