So you know how every thing good has a theme song? As it turns out
the voting for Brazil is coming up here in the beginning of October. And
the way they vote is every candidate has a number. So like they have a
husband and a wife running and their numbers are 5555 and 55555. So when
you go to vote, you dont have names there you just vote for the number?
SO they have these cars that pass by every couple of minutes with a
little jingle about their numbers (SUPER LOUD), our current favorite is
7777. "seite... seite... seiteSEITE." BUT the point of this story is
that we have our only little theme song that we sing like 10,000 times a
day. "And should we DIE, before our journeys through, HAPPY DAY, TUDO
Now you are probably thinking- thats
awful! But im gonna tell you why we love it. We were running in the
street the other day to make a huge activity and it started to rain. And
I mean POUR (you have a little inkling of what thats like lately I
think!). We didnt have coats with us or anything because it was after a
conference in a different city so we came home and just went to work. We
were SOAKING wet but we couldnt exactly not arrive in the church, so we
were trying to run in between every covering we could find. Slipping
and sliding and just thinking- ONLY ON THE MISSION would you do this. So
you know the phrase YOLO? I always say- "YOMO" (you only mission once)
and we just do whatever it is that is hard. But this day, we needed a
little more pioneer encouragement. So ever since we start singing, AND
this theme continued the next day when we were walking to our lunch
appointment. They dont have trash cans here. Like in the states you put
your trash can out on the curb and the trash man picks it up right?
WELL, here, everyone has a metal bucket? And a couple days a week people
run around behind a truck and collect it all. Another important detail-
Brazillians are SUPER short. So we are walking along talking about
something or other and my companion WHACKS her head on one of the
lixeiras that was like... floating in the air right where her head was?
So she starts to bleed profusely. Like its all over her arm and hand and
head and she is just chilling there like... AND SHOULD WE DIEEEE BEFORE
OUR JOURNEYS THROUGH!!! Hahaha. So Im trying not to laugh because im
thinking- shes gonna need stitches! So I start batendo portas (knocking
doors) and asking really strange things like- "irmão, is there a woman
in your house? No?! Okay just kidding! Tchau!" So we go from house to
house with the whole street starting to panic until we find a woman in a
house (we´ve got rules ya know?) AND we manage to get it to stop
bleeding and she didnt even need stitches! BLESSINGS! Buuuut she still
has a huge egg on her head where she hit. But its all good because the
next day we passed by for her to pose for a picture there! Youll be
recieving that soon!
In other news I tried to
kill a moth by slamming our bedroom door, the moth made it back inside
(FAIL) but the door got stuck... So at like 10:25pm my companion was
stuck outside of our room taking a shower and I was stuck inside. WITH A
MOTH! So my companion is like THROWING herself again the door and Im on
the other side freaking out on the phone with the mission secretary. Im
all- Elder Curtis DONT REPEAT this! He goes- yeah right this is going
in the mission newsletter! AAAAND as it turns out ALL the office elders
could hear because it was on loud voice! OOPS! Desculpnaodesculp! The
good news though is that we found where elders in the past chipped away
the wall (so not the first time?) and we managed to wedge the door open
with a screw driver! BEM VINDO A BRASIL! HAPPY DAY! TUDO BEM!
and we had a miracle baptism. Its fine. This week has been pretty
legit. Her name is Giovana and the elders taught her like 5 years ago. I
have a huge testimony in baptizing people in the area book so against
the will of all my companions we visit everyone that has already been to
church. ANDDD Giovana didnt have any interest the first time. We marked
to come back. And she was all- I was reading the Book of Mormon and I
had a dream that its all true. She went to church and then we baptized
her all in 20 days. Sister Conley kept saying- this is a MIRACLE! And Im
just like- when is ANYTHING in our life not a miracle these days?
Com amor,
Sister Haley Mills
PS we survived transfers, our next goal is to die here together. ONLY 1 MORE TRANSFERRRRR! AHHHHH.
Multi-Zone Conference |
Giovana Baptism |